Polaris 2020.10 Release Notes

Here's what's new in Polaris 2020.10.

Polaris Platform

  • In the Polaris UI, you can see a list of organization admins. Navigate to My Organization. Select Users, and then select Admins.
  • Polaris now classifies organization owners as admins. As a result, it won't be possible for ordinary users to change the role of any organization owner.
  • Update Code Sight to version 2020.8.1 (or newer) before using Polaris 2020.10. Otherwise, Code Sight will not be able to download results from projects in Polaris.
  • Support for Coverity 2019.09 is deprecated. It will be unsupported after a future release.
  • Coverity 2020.09 is now supported.
  • Linux .NET Core is now supported in Coverity versions 2020.09 and higher.
  • You can select multiple issues from the issues tab and use the Triage Selected button to bulk export them to Jira.
  • You can specify the reason for dismissing an issue, by choosing from the following options: False Positive, Intentional, and Other.
  • Incorporated Polaris plug-in documentation to the Polaris online help system.
  • A toggle control allows you to decide whether to sync Polaris groups with your SAML identity provider, and to turn the feature on or off. To sync with an identity provider, go to My Organization >> SAML 2.0 and use the checkbox.

Polaris CLI

  • Added simplified options for the -co yml override commands.
  • Users can now specify encoding of the args file.
  • Unsupported versions of the Polaris CLI now exit with an error message. If you see this error, you must download and install the current version of the CLI.
  • Resolved an issue with Incremental Analysis (LCA) scan paths beginning with the '@' character.

Polaris API

  • Authentication-related endpoints now reject requests that include query parameters. When using an email and password to authenticate, they must be included in the body of the request.

    Here's an example of an acceptable request: 

        curl -X POST -c - \
        https://subdomain.polaris.synopsys.com/api/auth/authenticate \
        -H 'Accept:application/json' \
        -H 'Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        -d "email=test@example.com&password=hunter2"   

    The change applies to all versions of the following endpoints:

    • /authenticate
    • /lookup
    • /accept-terms-of-use
    • /resetTokens

Known Issues

  • Polaris Jira integration is able to export issues to Jira Cloud only when the project type is "classic." Exporting to "next-gen" projects is not currently supported.

Bug Fixes

  • POL-10226 "Invalid entity" error during SAML integration setup.
  • POL-9908 Auth 401 error during long-running scans.