Coverity 2022.3.1: Supported Platforms, Languages, and Compilers

Note: This platform is renamed Coverity on Polaris. Unless otherwise specified, references to Polaris or Polaris Software Integrity Platform in this documentation are referring to Coverity on Polaris.


Platform Support for Coverity on Polaris

Table 1. Platforms Supported
OS Version Notes
Linux 64-bit kernel, version 2.6.32 and later with glibc 2.18-2.27

Linux Platform Support Notes

  • Debian GNU/kFreeBSD is not supported.
macOS OSX 10.15, 11,12
Windows x86_64, Version 10 and later and Windows Server 2019

Windows Platform Support Notes

  • Coverity Analysis for C# and Visual Basic supports analysis of programs compiled by the Visual C# compiler (csc.exe) and Visual Basic compiler (vbc.exe) from .NET Framework versions 3.5 SP1 and 4.5.2–4.8.
  • Coverity tools run notably slower on Windows than on other operating systems, such as Linux.

Language Support for Coverity on Polaris

Table 2. Language SupportThis table describes languages supported for Coverity on Polaris and Coverity capture modes available for each language. Support might differ from standard Coverity.
Language Capture mode OS Versions Notes

Buildless capture




Coverity supports the execution of PMD analysis (through Coverity Analysis for Apex) and requires Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 8 (JRE 8) platform support.
  • Build capture (See compiler support table below. Build capture requires that your project use a compiler version which is supported by Polaris.)




  • C++20
  • C++98
  • C++03
  • C++11
  • C++14
  • C++17
  • C89
  • C99
  • C11
Support for C++20 is provisional.
  • Build capture (See compiler support table below. Build capture requires that your project use a compiler version which is supported by Polaris.)
  • Buildless capture
  • Autocapture



Up to C# 10
  • Less than 5 percent churn is expected for build capture.
  • For C#, buildless capture is only supported on Windows and for projects that make use of .NET Core (.NET SDK).
Objective C
  • Build capture (See compiler support table below. Build capture requires that your project use a compiler version which is supported by Polaris.)




  • Build capture (See compiler support table below. Build capture requires that your project use a compiler version which is supported by Polaris.)




Go 1.16–1.17
  • Build capture (See compiler support table below. Build capture requires that your project use a compiler version which is supported by Polaris.)
  • Buildless capture
  • Filesystem capture
  • Autocapture




Up to Java 17
  • Although Coverity is able to support compilers spanning multiple JDK versions, Coverity Analysis requires Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 8 (JRE-8).
  • Less than 5 percent churn is expected for build capture.
  • Buildless capture
  • Filesystem capture
  • Autocapture




ECMAScript 5–11
  • ECMAScript 11 is also known as ECMAScript 2020.
  • Coverity supports the execution of JSHint analyses (through Coverity Analysis for JavaScript) on platforms supported by Node.js 14.12.0.
  • Build capture (See compiler support table below. Build capture requires that your project use a compiler version which is supported by Polaris.)




Kotlin 1.5.20- 1.5.32, 1.6-1.6.10 Coverity supports the execution of Detekt analysis (through Coverity Analysis for Kotlin) and requires Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 8 (JRE 8) platform support.
  • Buildless capture
  • Filesystem capture
  • Autocapture




PHP 7.0.0
  • Buildless capture
  • Filesystem capture
  • Autocapture




Python 3.x– 3.9
  • Buildless capture
  • Filesystem capture
  • Autocapture




Matz's Reference Impl. (MRI) 1.9.2–2.6 and equivalents
  • Build capture (See compiler support table below)
  • Autocapture
  • Buildless capture
  • Filesystem capture
TypeScript 1.0–4.3
Visual Basic
  • Build capture


Up to Visual Basic 16

IaC Platform and File Format Support

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) support uses autocapture in Polaris to detect security flaws in your infrastructure code in the following platforms and file formats.

  • AWS CloudFormation
  • Kubernetes
  • Terraform
  • HCL
  • JSON
  • XML
  • YAML

Compiler Support

Compiler information is for Build Capture only

  • Running Coverity with Build Capture requires that your project employ a version of the compiler which is supported by Coverity. In this section, each table lists the supported compilers and versions for the language in question. Note that compiler support is not identical between Coverity on Polaris and standard Coverity.
  • If you don't plan to run Build Capture, compiler support is not relevant and the information in the Language Support table (just before this section) should be sufficient.
Table 3. C/C++ Compiler SupportBuild capture for C/C++ source code is supported when the project uses any of the following compilers.
OS Supported Compilers Versions / Notes

FSF GCC4.0–11.1.0


  • Clang compilers have various use limitations with Coverity products, which are listed in the Coverity Analysis User and Administrator Guide.
  • Support for LLVM Clang 4.0 is deprecated as of Coverity 2022.3.0 and will be removed in a future release.


  • ISO/IEC TR 18037 fixed point extensions are supported for C (not C++) code.
  • Versions of any of these compilers that are modified to accept non-standard syntax are not supported.
  • GNU GCC compilers distributed with Apple Xcode are not supported.

Android NDK Clang

  • Clang 3.3 with Android NDK r9d is not supported, please use clang 3.4 instead.


  • Managed C++ and Common Language Runtime (CLR) are not supported. Compilations with switches beginning with "/CLR" will be skipped.

LLVM Clang 4.0–13.0

Android NDK Clang 3.1-3.4 (NDK revisions r8c-r9d)

FSF GCC 4.0–11.1.0


FSF GCC 4.0–11.1.0

Microsoft Visual C++ 2013-2019

Table 4. C# Compiler SupportBuild capture for C# source code is supported when the project uses any of the following compilers.
OS Supported Compilers Versions / Notes
Linux .NET Core 3.1

.NET 5.0-6.0

  • Linux 64-bit releases that support .NET 6. Coverity's C# compiler depends on an included .NET 6 runtime.
  • Support for .NET 5.0 is deprecated as of Coverity 2022.3.0 and will be removed in a future release.
macOS Not supported

Visual Studio 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019

.NET Core 3.1

.NET 5.0-6.0

  • Visual Studio Express editions are not supported.
  • Coverity supports analysis of Windows RT applications.
  • Support for .NET 5.0 is deprecated as of Coverity 2022.3.0 and will be removed in a future release.
Table 5. Objective C Compiler SupportBuild capture for Objective C source code is supported when the project uses any of the following compilers.
OS Supported Compilers Versions / Notes
Linux Not supported
macOS LLVM Clang 4.0-13.0
  • Support for LLVM Clang 4.0 is deprecated as of Coverity 2022.3.0 and will be removed in a future release.
Windows Not supported
Table 6. Go Compiler SupportBuild capture for Go source code is supported when the project uses any of the following compilers.
OS Supported Compilers Versions / Notes
Linux Go compiler 1.16–1.17
  • Coverity only supports projects that are built with the following commands: go build, go install, go run, and go test. Coverity does not support projects that are built by invoking either go tool compile or gccgo directly.
  • Coverity does not directly recognize custom flags and arguments of go run or go test. In order for Coverity to recognize these custom flags and arguments, you must modify config/templates/ go/go_switches.dat.
  • The cov-emit-go command might have dependencies on external tools, depending on the Go code being compiled. Refer to the cov-emit-go command in the Coverity Command Reference for details.
macOS Go compiler 1.16–1.17
Windows Go compiler 1.16–1.17
Table 7. Java Compiler SupportBuild capture for Java source code is supported when the project uses any of the following compilers.
OS Supported Compilers Versions / Notes

Sun/Oracle JDK 1.7–1.8, 11, 17

OpenJDK 1.8, 11, 17

  • JDK 1.7 is not supported on Windows 10.
  • Coverity does not support Oracle JRockit JDK
  • macOS: To ensure a complete capture, version 11.x - 13.x of Xcode (with command line tools) must be installed. Please ensure `xcodebuild -version` runs without error; that command is used by Coverity to check the version.
  • Support for Oracle JDK 1.7 is deprecated as of Coverity 2022.3.0 and will be removed in a future release.
macOS Sun/Oracle JDK 1.7–1.8, 11, 17

Sun/Oracle JDK 1.7–1.8, 11, 17

OpenJDK 1.8, 11, 17

Table 8. Kotlin Compiler SupportBuild capture for Kotlin source code is supported when the project uses any of the following compilers.
OS Supported Compilers Versions / Notes
Linux Kotlin 1.5.20- 1.5.32, 1.6-1.6.10
  • Coverity only supports Kotlin projects that are targeted to JVM or Android, not other platforms. For multiplatform projects, Coverity only captures Kotlin source files that are targeted to the supported platforms.
  • macOS: To ensure a complete capture, version 11.x - 13.x of Xcode (with command line tools) must be installed. Please ensure `xcodebuild -version` runs without error; that command is used by Coverity to check the version.
  • Support for Kotlin 1.5.x is deprecated as of Coverity 2022.3.0 and will be removed in a future release.
macOS Kotlin 1.5.20- 1.5.32, 1.6-1.6.10
Windows Kotlin 1.5.20- 1.5.32, 1.6-1.6.10
Table 9. Swift Compiler SupportBuild capture for Swift source code is supported when the project uses any of the following compilers.
OS Supported Compilers Versions / Notes
Linux Not Supported
macOS IDE: Xcode 12.5.x
  • Cross-compilation using Mac Catalyst is not supported.
  • Coverity Analysis supports Swift compiler invocations via xcodebuild. Swift Package Manager is not supported.
  • Build capture of Swift is supported internally with cov-emit-text. Autocapture must be disabled.

Not Supported

Table 10. Visual Basic Compiler SupportBuild capture for Visual Basic source code is supported when the project uses any of the following compilers.
OS Supported Compilers Versions / Notes
Linux Not Supported
macOS Not Supported

Visual Studio 2013-2019

Compiler .NET Core 3.1

Visual Studio Express editions are not supported.